Starts: September 27th, 2021 - Ends: October 31st, 2021
Course Description
The School of Salamanca is a MOOC offered by Universidad Francisco Marroquín that consists of five chapters: an introduction, a chapter each on the contributions to thinking about human rights, politics, and economics; and a conclusion. It is an overview of the School of Salamanca, the main intellectual
current of early modern Spain. Learn about the origins of the Hispanic liberal tradition as well as the scope of its fundamental influence on modern Western Civilization.
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Eric Clifford Graf is a professor of literature at Universidad Francisco Marroquín. He graduated from the University of Virginia in 1997 with a PhD in Spanish language and literature . He has worked at the University of Virginia, The College of William & Mary, the University of Chicago, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Smith College, Wesleyan University, and Kershner Trading Group. He specializes in the history of the novel, medieval and early modern Spain, and literary, political, cultural, and economic theory. He is author of the books De Reyes a Lobos (2019) and Cervantes and Modernity (2007). In addition to numerous academic essays on the poetry, theater, and narrative of Miguel de Cervantes, he has also published on The Poem of the Cid, Garcilaso de la Vega, Juan de Mariana, El Greco, San Juan de la Cruz, Pedro de Calderón, José de Cadalso, Vicente Aleixandre, Julio Cortázar, and Sigmund Freud.
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Certification process
Universidad Francisco Marroquín’s online course offers you the opportunity to get certified for a USD$60 fee. Validate your achievement and increase your job opportunities. Instructions:
- Fill out the form and send it.
- Upload your profile photo and your official ID in .jpg or .png format. (national identity card or passport)
- Pay the USD$60 fee with a credit card.
- Take the exam and send it. Certification is granted for scores of 70 points or higher.
- Get your results. If you score higher than 70 points, you will receive the digital certificate by email within 48 hours.
The digital certificate is not a degree, diploma or official certifications of pedagogical competency.
UFM Students
The course offers UFM students the opportunity to validate the course for the price of 1 UMA.
- Send an email request to your faculty and opencourses@ufm.edu with the following data:
- Name and description of the course
- UMA’s value of the course
- Name of the academic unit that offers the course
- Attach the course program
- Approve the requirements of your faculty.
- Enroll to the course through MiU and opencourses.ufm.edu page.
- Pay 1 UMA in the bank. The price of UMA is defined by the UFM.
- Make the course activities.
- Approve the activities of the course and the final quiz with 70 points or higher.
- Start the convalidation process by presenting the certificate with your final score in your faculty.